all postcodes in PR7 / CHORLEY

find any address or company within the PR7 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR7 4AA 3 0 53.641341 -2.617055
PR7 4AB 5 3 53.639944 -2.617806
PR7 4AD 12 1 53.639122 -2.616826
PR7 4AE 18 0 53.636084 -2.616721
PR7 4AG 40 0 53.635528 -2.618391
PR7 4AJ 18 0 53.63441 -2.613793
PR7 4AL 1 1 53.633182 -2.613049
PR7 4AP 22 0 53.63381 -2.614979
PR7 4AQ 46 0 53.634721 -2.617956
PR7 4AS 2 1 53.631079 -2.624781
PR7 4AT 13 3 53.634063 -2.620033
PR7 4AW 6 0 53.642906 -2.613341
PR7 4AZ 13 1 53.632609 -2.612542
PR7 4BA 1 1 53.629092 -2.609527
PR7 4BB 2 0 53.622391 -2.610002
PR7 4BH 20 0 53.613641 -2.652263
PR7 4BJ 4 0 53.613065 -2.644032
PR7 4BL 1 0 53.610419 -2.631295
PR7 4BN 26 1 53.609645 -2.631465
PR7 4BP 1 0 53.617679 -2.636709